’70’s Revival: The Terrarium!

11 Feb

Terrariums are making a come back from their 1970’s start.  These home-made ecosystems are enclosed areas, usually glass containers, for small plants.

Terrariums began with a science interest in mind -to study plants.  They are also used as a great tool in the classroom.  How would this item translate into a home decor piece, then?

The Victorian era gave inspiration to use science as beauty.  The Art Deco and Arts and Crafts movements also inspired designers to use their own creativity and bring the nature indoors.

Design enthusiasts continue to expand their creativity when designing terrariums adding not only plants.  Live animals and whimsical touches such as gnomes or figurines can be added evoking a city park right in your living room!  Today, terrariums are showing up again giving decorators a chic twist.  They offer color, texture and visual composition to any home.

Terrariums can be simple to make. This website does a great job explaining how to do it.

We have created a few of our own terrariums at the Blumenladen, come in and check them out.  Try making your own and show us your creations!

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